Person County Youth Connect aims to create a safe and welcoming place for young people in Person County. We will offer different programs and activities to keep them involved and away from harmful things like drugs, alcohol, and violence. We also hope to support their mental and emotional well-being.

Our main focus is on school-aged youth in the community, to provide the most support before and after school, on school holidays and breaks, and weekends. We want children and their families to feel safe, welcomed, and heard. All while the kids are having fun in a productive, creative, and empowering environment.

We would love to offer the following types of support to our children:

  • Enrichment classes - These could include everything from an “Adulting 101” type of class to tech basic life skills every adult should know when they venture out into the world on their own - such as taxes, balancing a checkbook, basic household duties, etc - cooking classes, gardening classes, art/craft classes, automotive workshops, DIY classes, etc

  • Emotional/Mental Support - We would plan on having counselling as well as group workshops and activities to help all types of behavioral health issues.

  • Personal Development & Character Building - These classes could be classes that would help career preparedness, social skills, business skills, etc.

  • Trade Skills - We can help children discover what they enjoy and are talented in. In helping them discover this, we can help them learn more skills to help them be successful.

  • Field Trips - We’d like to plan field trips with the kids, with permission, to help them learn and venture out more into the world.

  • Volunteer Opportunities - We want to help the youth to develop some skills and learn community and cultural pride by helping in the youth center and other places in the community.

  • Transportation - We want to be able to provide services to the children who aren’t able to find transportation elsewhere.

  • Meals/Snacks - We will always try to help feed the youth of this county by providing meals and snacks at appropriate times to the children in our care. We’d also like to set up a community pantry for children who may not have food at home.